Freitag, 26. Juli 2024 InternationalYoung refugee is not gay enough to get asylum in Austria

Young refugee is not gay enough to get asylum in Austria

No asylum for 18-year-old boy from Afghanisatan because clothing or behaviour "doesn't hint you could be homosexual"


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One more time, the Austrian Federal Office for Aliens and Asylum (BFA) releases a very disturbing statement regarding LGBT refugees. As Viennese weekly Falter reveals in its current issue, does not believe a young refugee from Afghanistan that he is gay – because he is not gay enough.

The 18-year-old man arrived in Austria as a minor, looking for protection – also because of his sexual orientation. But the BFA in Wiener Neustadt does not believe him. „Neither your gait, your behavior or your clothing have even hinted approximately that you could be homosexual,“ the negative asylum decision says.

Too aggressive to be queer

In another part of the negative decision, the official explains that it is reported „that you have more frequent conflicts with other roommates.“ This is important for the case because „there is an aggressive potential that would not be expected in a homosexual.“ And even the personal life of the teenager gives the official a hint that the Afghan is not gay: „It can be read in the report that you don’t have many friends. Are not homosexuals sociable? “

- Werbung -

Another highlight in the document published by Falter magazine: “It’s absolute nonsense that you have kissed even many not-gay boys,“ because: „If you had actually done this with a non-homosexual boy, you would have received terrible beatings. No man can be kissed by another man if he is not gay. That is completely unthinkable. “

Decisions rejecting LGBT refugees are often „grossly deficient“

Such justifications are in line with the BFA’s current approach to sexual minorities: the decisions rejecting LGBT refugee applications are often „grossly deficient“, said Julia Valenta, legal advisor to Queer Base, an NGO for LGBT refugees, In June at Austrian news programme ZIB 2: „We also have the feeling that there is enormous pressure from politicians to (…) make as many asylum applications as possible negative.“

Yesterday, the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG) has overturned a negative asylum decision of the BFA: They decided that a young Iranian can not be gay because he does not know the meanings of the colors of the rainbow flag – although he is in a relationship with Austrian man.